Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Celebrating American Farmers

I’ll be celebrating Independence Day alone this year so I’ve decided to create my own form of celebration with a focus on farmers.
 We are so lucky to live just minutes from one of the Georgia State Farmers Markets so I made a trip over to buy some home grown produce.
Growing up as a child summertime meant weeding, “picking on the halves,” shelling, shucking, blanching, canning and eating lots of vegetables.  I’m from a farming area of the state so we didn’t just grow our own, we did a lot of picking on the halves at a few of the farms.
 As much as I hated spending summers always having to get up at 6:00 because we had to get the work done before the sun got too hot, I cherish the memories.
I spent a lot of time on a farm over in Roberta, Georgia and it was there I grew to admire the American farmer.  At this particular farm both the farmer and his wife worked full-time, grew crops on 200 acres, raised cows and pigs and the wife raise and sold worms.

Some days when I'm feeling sorry for myself because of my 12-14 hour work day, I think of our friends, the Parks and how long their days were.

The Farmers Market has become an interesting place where you can find a wide variety of goods. 
 It’s also a place where American dreams can come true.   I recently met someone who opened a new store at the market - a Piñata party store!  The owner hand-makes thirty or so piñatas a day.  
 The great thing is if you have a design in mind, she will make it for you!
Now back to the farmer.  If you find a farmers market in your area, help support your farmers.  This time of year they come from all over the state to sell their home grown fruits and vegetables.  I love purple hull peas so I’m making me a mess of peas and cornbread.

It may not be red, white and blue but nothing says American than the bounty that comes from our farmers.

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