Saturday, June 9, 2012

Books, Movies, Dates and Jake's - Ice Cream, That Is!

It's been a big week and not just because of work.   This was one of those weeks when there were lots of activities scheduled every day and the summer has barely started.   The week started with a book signing event and not just any book signing.  This was the release party for the long awaited release of Mary Kay Andrew's new book Spring Fever.  I went to the book signing with my good friend Ginabeth but low and behold who was in line right behind us?  Sue from Rue Mouffetard!!  
 We all lined up waiting for our time with MKA which was made all the more fun because of being in line with good friends. 
  Sue was kind enough to take a picture of me and one with Ginabeth - thank you Sue!!!!

I love going to the movies and recently while seeing Exotic Marigold Hotel (love), I saw the previews for Bernie and given that it appeared to be VERY southern and funny, I made my husband take me out on a date to see it.   We loved Bernie (well, according to the movie, everyone loves Bernie) and I can't wait to see it again.  There were too many funny lines and at times I laughed so hard that I couldn't hear everything.  It is at times like these that I would love to have a pause buttons.
Before the film we stopped for an appetizer at a nearby restaurant called Rain.   Don't you love how restaurants prepare such fancy presentation?   That tray was so well decorated  and just for a few bits of food. 
And the good times just keep on coming.  

My grandgirls came today!  They brought a friend with them so we have three sweet girls at our house  and the girls and my son will be here for a week.  
With the girls here it seemed like a perfect time to stock up on ICE CREAM!  If you've been in Atlanta for any period of time your bound to have tried Jake's Ice Cream and the unbelievably great Slap Yo Mama Chocolate.  Well Jake delivers in my neighborhood and you should have seen the girls go running when I said the ice cream man was here.
It's a bit more pricey but well worth it.
The girls were still a bit puzzled by Jake's Ice Cream truck.  Somehow I think they were expecting some popsicles to show up.  Did you notice the little green bag in my granddaughter's hand? 
 That's the ice cream bag.
 In addition to the Slap Yo Mama Chocolate, I decided to try some of Jake's homemade Georgia Peach ice cream.  The perfect way to celebrate peach season.
Someone's looking very happy.  Today I'm joining 
The Tablescaper to celebrate some Seasonal Sunday fun.

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