Saturday, June 16, 2012

Alliance Française d’Atlanta's Salon de Thé

Let me start by saying I love the Alliance Française.  After my first trip to France back in the 90's I decided to take french classes and so I joined AF to study at the official language school.  My language progress has moved slowly but it doesn't keep me loving all things french and taking full advantage of the french cultural center, programs and special events right here in Atlanta taking place throughout the year.  
Me in my hat hidden behind the invitation
 Last weekend I had SO much fun attending the annual Salon de Thé fundraising event though I must say it created a bit of a fashion crisis for me as I didn't have an appropriate hat.   Luckily a British friend loaned me a beautiful black hat she'd just bought to wear to a wedding.   
Obviously before next year's event, I need to do some shopping for a new chapeau!  
The two ladies pictured in the center of the mural planned this event and I have to tell you it was amazing.  The event featured an afternoon tea, a silent auction and a fashion show featuring couture designed by Nina Gleyzer.
Now I can't wait until the Bastille Day celebration! 
I'm linking up with The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.

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