Sunday, February 12, 2012


Do you ever have one of those days when you just want to clear your mind and remember the past?   It's not that I don't enjoy the present, but I really enjoy listening to "oldies," watching TCM and poking around flea markets just to enjoy things that prompt memories.   It's actually funny when the grandgirls are visiting and they catch me watching black & white movies!  
Can you guess this film?
I subscribe to Pinterest but truthfully I try to avoid getting on there because it's too easy to start looking at things and get lost between the boards, pins and pictures.  Today my DIL asked me a question about Pinterest which reminded me that I hadn't been on it in a while and it was a big mistake.  I think I spent two hours just poking around looking at posters for old movies, looking at fashion from the 60s, hunting down my favorite toys, old stores (read about the first Mall in Georgia - and no it's not Lenox or Greenbriar) and finding pictures of advertisements for products that were part of my past.  
My son told me that television viewing with the younger generation is down because of the increased number of hours spent gaming, watching movies that stream, internet surfing and gaming.   I've not seen any statistics on this but at our house all generations watch less t.v.   We spend hours on our computers.  

So I'm just curious, do you watch television at your house? 
Be sure to leave a comment and you could win a copy of Random Harvest, one of my favorite films.  I'll be giving a copy away on Feb. 25.   Stay tuned!

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