Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feeling Like Spring

I don't really like winter so I couldn't be happier about the mild winter we've been having.  It's actually been inspiring and encouraged me to get out and work in the garden a little earlier and plan some weekend events that would normally wait until after Valentine's day or beyond.  Somehow I've managed to pack my weekend calendar through the Easter weekend (of course there are a few work trips in the mix as well).   My goal for the new year was to try to work a little less and I'm really trying to make it happen. 
Yesterday I got up early and headed out for a class at the Atlanta History Center.   I'm a member at the the AHC and I  love having access to so many unique classes and programs designed for members only.   Yesterday I attended a fantastic members only genealogy class.  In the coming weeks there are two more programs that I'm sure I'll be blogging about - I'm so excited about both of them!!!

One of my very closest work friends retired last year so I'm having to make time to see her.  Honestly, she is so busy since retiring!  Not only is she taking two language classes, yoga, drawing and piano lessons, she manages to help with her four grandchildren and care for her mom.   She said it took her a total of three hours to adjust to the retirement life...I can't wait! 
Yesterday we met for lunch at the cutest place called Souper Jenny!  
 When we arrived there was a long line but it moved quickly and the soup was worth the wait.  I enjoyed the lentil and apple soup - so unique.   

This is one of the few eating establishments I've visited that has a play area for children.  BTW, it's just around the corner from Boxwoods so you can do a little souping and shopping!
At the end of the day it was fun to come home and do some baking of my own before heading out for a chili party last night.  
Apple tart - yum

Getting out more, working a little less, learning something new and visiting with friends.   

Today I'm linking up with The Tablescaper to celebrate Seasonal Sundays #86.  

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