Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do Restaurant at the View

I am not a trendy person but tonight I felt I had dropped in on the Jetsons when we met good friends at Do. 
My husband saw a segment about the restaurant on CNN so we made a reservation.  This place is not necessarily about the food because it really is an experience, an iPad experience.  
This is the home page for the menu, but it's more than a menu.  The center app is a place to chat with others in the restaurant.  It's a great way to talk about the food or drink you are enjoying, or comment on the music, or just meet others dining.  And speaking of the music, when you arrive there is an app you can download on your iPhone that allows you to be able to vote on the music you want to hear...a modern day "jukebox!" 

The videos on the wall change continuously
Now going to the W.C. is also an experience.  There are buttons you push and the doors automatically open!!
Take a look at the bathroom mirror.
 After putting on your lipstick you can even take a picture of yourself!!

When it's time to order food it's just like online shopping.  Just select the items you want and they will appear in your cart.  

Go to your cart and submit and within seconds your server comes to your table to confirm your order.
Our friends are much younger than me and my husband and they were complimenting us on our contemporary choice of restaurants (a real first for me).  Honestly, I think we were all amazed. 
It wasn't long before we had to hug and say goodbye. 
So we entered our valet parking ticket number into the iPad so the valet had our cars waiting on us when we got to the exit!!

This was one of the coolest experiences I've had in a while and it was fun to enjoy the evening with good food, good friends and our favorite electronic device.

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