Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Secret Oasis

Don't you just love when life presents a beautiful moment.  Saturday night my husband and I were walking back to our car after going to a hear my niece in a concert.  We'd parked several blocks away from the venue and for the first time in several weeks, temperatures in Atlanta were perfect so it was a great night to be outside walking.  
As we strolled along we walked past a hotel that I have really never noticed even though I drive by it often.  
From the sidewalk I spotted a courtyard.
The sun had gone down and the courtyard was filled with twinkly lights. 
 There were people gathered to celebrate a birthday and they invited us to join the party.  An unexpected surprise.

I'm so happy to have found this lovely getaway located in the city.  I'm looking forward to future summer evening escapes.  

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