Sunday, July 25, 2010

Green Jacket - Macon, Georgia

I was surfing and ran into a blog doing some research on restaurants in Macon, Georgia and it reminded me that during the summer of 1976, I worked at The Green Jacket in Macon.  If you know anything about golf, the name of the restaurant will sound familiar.  Personally I knew nothing about golf, the Augusta National nor the Masters, when I took the job there.  It's been interesting as I've gotten older and learned how significant the Green Jacket is and how fortunate we in Georgia are to be a part of the history.  (My girlfriend's cousin at the age of 17 was kicked out of the Masters for life for yelling "Fore" as a prank but that is a different story)!!!

In 1976 several exciting things were happening in Macon.   The Allman Brothers were a significant force in music and Greg had just married Cher.  The film The Bingo Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings was being filmed in Macon.  During the summer while working at The Green Jacket, both Cher and Billy Dee Williams, stopped in to dine.  In 1976, I was a very small town girl with a very small world.  To this day I think back to the time and marvel at how amazing it all seemed.

I learned a lot working in a restaurant.  I learned that lightening will not strike you down for walking into a bar (raised a Baptist - I was afraid), people working in restaurants work hard with long hours, and, lastly, you never know who you might meet.

Guess we all worked interesting jobs at some point in our lives.   Some of my friends have de-beaked chickens, put fat in the pork 'n bean cans on an assembly line, pulled the peel off tomatoes in the canning process, packed peaches in Ft. Valley, packed panties in a South Carolina mill, served as an intern on Capitol Hill and as a waitress on Mackinac, Island.  Just curious, what was your most interesting first job?  This one wasn't my very first job but it is one of the first and one that I was glad to have tried it, if only for a summer.

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