Sunday, July 18, 2010

Girls Rock - A Camp!!!

I LOVED camp when I was young and I went to camp until I was 14.  It was such a great experience to try my hand at archery, skeet shooting, canoeing, hiking, camping and crafts of all kinds.  Well I'm here to tell you that camp options have changed since the 60's and 70's.   My niece just finished a week at GIRLS ROCK Camp and what a cool camp it was!  The camp is about music and self-expression and so much more.  It's a camp that's designed to encourage creativity, compromise,collaboration, acceptance of others, production, teamwork and to build self-esteem. 
Dressed and Ready to Go For Hair, Make-up and Sound Checks
My niece Melanie is a reserved young lady and is often described by my sister as having a "gentle spirit."   It was great to go to the Girls Rock Camp concert last night to see Melanie come to life on stage.   
 Melanie and Mom (my sister) - Before the Show
When camp starts on Monday, the girls arrive being assigned to a band "job" - either merchandising, writing or other tasks that must be completed by Friday.  Many of the girls have never played an instrument but during the week each girl learns quickly.  Volunteer musicians work with the girls to coach them as each newly formed band learns to play various instruments, write lyrics, music, create marketing merchandise to promote their band and rehearse like crazy.  In addition there are classes and exercises on topics such as self-defense and self-expression.   At the end of the week the girls put on a concert at the Variety Playhouse.   
 Mel Under the Marquis - A Camp With Bright Lights!!!

 Melanie Played Bass - She Started Last MONDAY!!!!

Doesn't She Look Like a Natural?

Camp Songs - No More Singing 'Round the Campfire

Guess what?  They have a LADIES ROCK CAMP!  From what I hear it's a fantastic camp with a major difference - cocktails!    After the concert my sister asked me if I wanted to join her at Ladies Rock.  I responded that I'm planning on going to a gardening clinic instead.  Her comment back, "We go ahead and be boring!"   Okay Cath - I'm thinking about it.

I just had to share a few pics of Rockin' Melanie!!!  Rock on!!!

P.S.  At thirteen I was lucky enough to have attended this historical event - Jimi Hendrix and lots MORE!!!!   It just goes to show you that there's a little "rocker" in all of us!

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