Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back to School

Do you ever want to go back to school? Well this week for one night I did go back to school! Once a year my daughter's high school hosts a back-to-school night for alum and alum parents and I look forward to every year. Through the years I've taken classes like Mexican Art and the Connection to the Italian Renaissance, Children's Literature - the Story Behind the Story, Meditative Drawing and Living a Green Life. This year it was exciting to take Looking Behind The Graduate (the class filled up so I felt lucky to get in). The class was taught by the chair of film studies at Emory University (an alum parent). After spending 45 minutes reviewing significant scenes from the film, a lively discussion followed. Funny how your perspective changes when you watch the film again years later. It was interesting to hear that film students still enjoy examining the film for both technique and storyline. Don't you just love the look on Elaine's (Katharine Ross) face.

When I retire and go back to school, astronomy, film and art will be the first classes I take.

My girlfriend's mom went back to school at 78! Her name is Daisy and she is such an inspiration to me. Daisy is a self-taught artist who embraces living. She said one of the things she enjoyed most besides learning was getting to know all the young people in her college classes. In her "retirement years" she's owned and operated a Christmas tree farm, been an event planner, worked as a artist, a designer and run a family-owned deer cooler business. She is constantly exploring something new with a new project on the horizon, not to mention that she has a great name!

When I retire there is no doubt I plan to follow in Daisy's footsteps and go back to school.

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