Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Quick trip to D.C.

D.C. was great though most of my time was spent in a hotel. The program I attended was so inspiring and now I can't wait to get back to work to start some new projects.

Yesterday when the conference ended I had just a few hours to do some sightseeing and I had my heart set on seeing the first map in which America appeared back in 1507. I left the hotel headed for the Library of Congress with a big warning - there will be crowds - yay!!! There were several major events happening on or around the Mall; the National Marathon, war protests and healthcare bill protests. I was so excited! My sister lived in D.C. for nearly a decade and lucky for us, she lived on Capitol Hill but moved away about 13 years ago. We used to get to enjoy such excitement on a regular basis but it has been years. My trip was fast but at least I got in on a number of major events. Hope you enjoy the photo tour.

Library of Congress - The Thomas Jefferson Building
I've said it before, I love mosaics and this building is full of mosaic work. The entire building is nothing but EYE CANDY!

Isn't it breathtaking?

This quote spoke to me "Ignorance is the Curse of God, Knowledge the Wing Wherewith We Fly to Heaven." (You might need to click and enlarge to actually read the text).

On the Capitol steps speeches were just beginning

Even the dogs joined in the protests

Grave marker memorials for those who've died in Iraq and Afghanistan

The peaceful protester

No Cherry blossoms yet

But plenty of blue skies, sunshine and warm weather

The trip ended way too soon

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