Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tablescape Heaven - Les Tables Decoratives de Stef

I love tablescapes, dishes and the accoutrements. My husband has asked me to stop buying dishes for a while and I have slowed down a bit but it hasn't stopped my passion for the plate. When I first discovered blogging, my husband's cousin sent me a link that has been one of my favorite stops for tablescape eye candy. I just have to share it and my guess is that this will be one of your favorites too. Click here for tablescape heaven Les Tables Decoratives de Stef.

Here's just a tablespoon of what's on the table

P.S. Be sure to stop by SWEET AS CANDY to register for her latest giveaway!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Signs of Spring

Normally we all start getting excited when the flowers start blooming and we see signs of spring such as this. It is such a thrill to walk out the front door and see the daffodils and hyacinths in full bloom.

This week I received a different sign of spring in my email box and I was so excited about it! Pictures!

It's time for baseball - well actually, softball! I never really played much but my kids did and growing up we went to lots of Braves games (even during the years when they never won and the old stadium was near empty).

It was so exciting to see my grandgirl playing and she loves it!

Happy Spring! Play ball!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Quick trip to D.C.

D.C. was great though most of my time was spent in a hotel. The program I attended was so inspiring and now I can't wait to get back to work to start some new projects.

Yesterday when the conference ended I had just a few hours to do some sightseeing and I had my heart set on seeing the first map in which America appeared back in 1507. I left the hotel headed for the Library of Congress with a big warning - there will be crowds - yay!!! There were several major events happening on or around the Mall; the National Marathon, war protests and healthcare bill protests. I was so excited! My sister lived in D.C. for nearly a decade and lucky for us, she lived on Capitol Hill but moved away about 13 years ago. We used to get to enjoy such excitement on a regular basis but it has been years. My trip was fast but at least I got in on a number of major events. Hope you enjoy the photo tour.

Library of Congress - The Thomas Jefferson Building
I've said it before, I love mosaics and this building is full of mosaic work. The entire building is nothing but EYE CANDY!

Isn't it breathtaking?

This quote spoke to me "Ignorance is the Curse of God, Knowledge the Wing Wherewith We Fly to Heaven." (You might need to click and enlarge to actually read the text).

On the Capitol steps speeches were just beginning

Even the dogs joined in the protests

Grave marker memorials for those who've died in Iraq and Afghanistan

The peaceful protester

No Cherry blossoms yet

But plenty of blue skies, sunshine and warm weather

The trip ended way too soon

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

On the Road Again

Headed to D.C. tomorrow for a seminar. Hope to have some road trip stories to tell. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back to School

Do you ever want to go back to school? Well this week for one night I did go back to school! Once a year my daughter's high school hosts a back-to-school night for alum and alum parents and I look forward to every year. Through the years I've taken classes like Mexican Art and the Connection to the Italian Renaissance, Children's Literature - the Story Behind the Story, Meditative Drawing and Living a Green Life. This year it was exciting to take Looking Behind The Graduate (the class filled up so I felt lucky to get in). The class was taught by the chair of film studies at Emory University (an alum parent). After spending 45 minutes reviewing significant scenes from the film, a lively discussion followed. Funny how your perspective changes when you watch the film again years later. It was interesting to hear that film students still enjoy examining the film for both technique and storyline. Don't you just love the look on Elaine's (Katharine Ross) face.

When I retire and go back to school, astronomy, film and art will be the first classes I take.

My girlfriend's mom went back to school at 78! Her name is Daisy and she is such an inspiration to me. Daisy is a self-taught artist who embraces living. She said one of the things she enjoyed most besides learning was getting to know all the young people in her college classes. In her "retirement years" she's owned and operated a Christmas tree farm, been an event planner, worked as a artist, a designer and run a family-owned deer cooler business. She is constantly exploring something new with a new project on the horizon, not to mention that she has a great name!

When I retire there is no doubt I plan to follow in Daisy's footsteps and go back to school.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nothing But Blue Skies

Last week my neighbor, Lou, lost her husband. He was 83 years old and had lived a very happy life. His beautiful garden is something to behold and his family, friends and neighbors all adored him. One incredible thing I knew about him was that his kids, growing up, asked for a swimming pool. He didn't have the money to put towards a pool but he asked the kids to help him build one. It took about 6 months to complete the digging but all the kids helped and to this day there is a large pool - 8-ft deep in the backyard. All the kids and grand kids come throughout the summer and enjoy summer by the pool. I had no idea that you could use a pick axe and dig a hole as big as a pool but Carl did. His entire yard is amazing.

Yesterday was a lovely day and I had promised Lou that I would come have coffee with her. It was a perfect day so I decided to walk over for a visit. When I got there she was sitting outside just taking in the sun and looking around the yard. We sat and talked for a long time and there were so many things she shared that made me realize that she and her husband had such a special relationship. They cherished one another. They still dated, playing cards every Thursday night, then going out on a date every Friday and Saturday night.

With every word she spoke describing her husband, Lou's eyes would light up and she finally looked at me and said, "every where I look, including at the beautiful blue sky, I see my Carl." He loved being a part of this beautiful world.

If only we could all keep our eyes and hearts open to our beautiful world. On the way home I had to sing to myself.
Blue skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see

Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long

Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you're in love, my how they fly

Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What's Up with the Glasses?

Recently I took my grandgirls shopping and guess what they wanted to buy? They wanted to go straight to Claire's to buy some glasses. They don't NEED glasses that I know of but no matter, from that shopping trip until now, glasses are an important part of their day. If we go on a shopping excursion, they go hunting for their glasses. Tonight I could not stop laughing when the girls' mom emailed the picture you're seeing. My granddaughter proudly announced that she needed her glasses to check her email. Truthfully I don't think she has email either but you can see that she is very serious about her glasses and her email.

A lot has changed in the world and I guess the stigma of wearing glasses might be one of those things.

Please stop in and visit my new blog friend Keetha at The Eclectic Company. She is a teacher and today she learned that her school is closing. She could use some e-visits and words of kindness.

Monday, March 1, 2010


For the past couple of years I have managed to avoid a cold but somehow one finally caught up with me. I could feel it coming over the weekend. This morning when I woke up my husband was quick to tell me that he couldn't sleep because of the sounds of my symphony (snoring). Today I went out for lunch but I couldn't taste a thing. To make up for a miserable lunch I treated myself to a bag of m&ms but I couldn't taste them either! I finally settled on a cup of white coffee (a cup of hot water). It was wonderful - seriously, you should try it! This should pass in a day or so but in the meanwhile I'm a whining, sneezing, snoring mess.