Monday, June 9, 2008

So Hard to Go Back to Work

I love vacations but it is so hard to get motivated when the vacation is over, your mailbox is running over, your voice mailbox is full and it is Monday. Lesson learned, next time take Monday off too! We had such a terrific time at the beach. Normally when we go to the beach we go to the Gulf coast of Florida. My mom grew up in the area so we always went back to visit family. This time we went down to coastal Georgia and it was wonderful. While there we (my family and the little crab pictured) took a boat ride over to an area of protected land and there were no humans on the beach, just hundreds of pelicans. We spent the morning dolphin watching, bird watching, cast net fishing and shelling. I came home with a canvas tote full of shells! I can't think of the last time I had so much fun just relaxing and enjoying my family. I love the picture of my grand girls just watching the water.

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