Sunday, September 16, 2012

I Had the Blog Kicked Out of Me!


Nearly a month ago I decided to take a blogging class.  It was offered by two local personalities who are both very successful in their fields and my hope was that I would get some great tips for blog layout and design and also some suggestions on the written material. 

Something happened during the class.  We went around the room and each of us were supposed to introduce ourselves, share our names, why we blog and something about our objectives.   

When it was my turn to speak I shared my blog title which was quickly projected on a big screen.  I tried to be as clear and concise as possible but frankly the day is now so blurry in my mind because of what happened. The presenter at the front of the room began describing the funnel concept (and at least I still remember that).  Then somehow the other instructor was by my side, standing a couple of feet away asking me what would the world be missing without me in it.  As a blogger, can you answer that question? 

I heard myself stammer and fumble on words without being able to answer the question and for the rest of the afternoon session I was so upset. Why was that question directed to me?   I felt scalded by the question and frankly it has taken me some time away from posting in order to muster the courage to blog once more since that awful moment.

Initially I was disturbed and hurt by what happened though I kept trying to understand why the instructor came to ask only me, "What would the world be missing without you in it?"  

I still can't answer that question but the next week I experienced a small miracle.  I got to meet Debbie Macomber! So later this week I'll be back to tell you how she made me cry and cheered me up, at the same time.

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