Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm a Rosebud

My mom at one of the Rosie gatherings
 And I'm proud of it.   A Rosebud is the daughter of a Rosie the Riveter and today the Atlanta Chapter held its quarterly meeting.  It was especially exciting that four Rosie's were able to attend.  

I get so excited at these meetings because it is a chance to meet and talk with individuals who are living history.  Two of my favorite people, Ken and Kathleen Powell, were able to make it and I was so happy to be able to sit with them.   If you click on the link you will hear Kathleen's story but having been a prisoner of war in Germany,  Kenneth too, has a story to tell.  
Four Rosie's now living in Atlanta

 Today's meeting was at Atlanta's 57th Fighter Group Restaurant which is located at the Dekalb-Peachtree Airport.   The great thing about meeting there is the fact that everyone in the restaurant recognizes and values the role these senior citizens played in American history.   For those who've never been to one of these restaurant's it's worth a visit.  It's like stepping back in time.  
Our President lined up a wonderful speaker who volunteers as a pilot with Angel Flight and I enjoyed learning about the work of the organization but the best part of the day for me was having time to visit with the Rosie's.  
President Billie Ruth Bird and Mack Secord, Angel Flight Pilot
Read more about some of our members and previous meetings as featured in the Atlanta Journal Constitution by clicking here
I've been working on a number of ways to honor veterans in my workplace on Veteran's Day but it was especially nice to have today to celebrate the amazing women who served.  

Stop by The Tablescaper and see what other bloggers are up to this Seasonal Sunday. 

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