Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Haven't Read it Yet

Just received Vicki's book and it's beautiful.  Didn't have much time to read last night but hope to read the book this weekend.

You might be thinking I'm referring to our blog friend, Vicki Archer and her new book, which I'm really looking forward to, but I'm writing about another new book. 
This week work was overwhelming to say the least and unfortunately I missed book club, known as The No-Guilt Book Club.  I'm a new member to the club (April 2010) but it is something that I really look forward to each month.  We are an eclectic mix of women, moderate to liberal, with artists, environmentalists, doctors, lawyers, religious leaders, business owners and representatives from the nonprofit sector. Our book club also represents a number of nationalities, generations and interests - we are diverse in every way with the exception of including men in our group.  This month our book was Your Brain at Work, and I was disappointed that I missed the gathering as well as the book discussion.  The discussions are always stimulating but as luck would have it, I did manage to have an interesting book experience nonetheless.

While riding the train to work early Thursday morning, I managed to find a vacant seat and squeezed in between a large group of travelers with luggage coming in from the airport.  Two of the women in the group were having a very interesting discussion about a new book that will be coming out soon.  I learned that the group on the train happened to be a number of university and medical experts specializing in disabilities who were here for a conference being held in Atlanta.  One of the women I spoke with had been asked to proof a book that is soon to come out, specifically making sure that the book would be accurate as it relates to disabilities.   

The book is called The Story of Beautiful Girl, by Rachel Simon and is said to be "a novel about disability and intertwining destinies that will get right under your skin and into your heart."  According to my new friends from the train ride, the book is fiction but is based on a true story.  Sadly the story of someone who was deaf but completely normal but was institutionalized because he couldn't communicate.  This individual was assigned the number 42, which became his name and the book tells his story.  My train rider friends added that the book has already triggered a movie deal which has already been finalized.

Speaking of movies.  My husband is going home to Beirut to see his family and will be gone for a month.   Yesterday he woke me up to say that he wanted to take me on a date to see Morning Glory.  What a sweet and happy movie!  

I've got one more ridiculously hectic week (headed to LA tomorrow) but then hope to slow down a bit and enjoy the season.  I'm ready to experience moments rather than feeling like I'm check-listing off the to-dos of the day.  Reflecting back over 2010, the months of June, August, October and November were nothing but a series of check-lists.  Time to do some living.

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