Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Last week I met up with some very good friends from a professional group I belong to and we talked about creating vision boards and after this weekend, I've decided it's time to make one.   Honestly,  we had such a wonderful weekend with family.  In addition to our children and grandchildren, my sister, brother-in-law and niece came to stay with us as well.  One of my brothers, his wife and a very dear friend were able to stop in for visits to make the weekend full of wonderful moments filled with memories.  Everyone needs to be a part of a circle of love.
 The weather also co-operated.  A couple of times when I stepped outside to see the turquoise-colored sky and felt the warm sun while enjoying the cool breeze, I felt so emotional about our beautiful world.  You know, the blue background of the computer in my office at work is not a substitute for God's beautiful world.   

The combination of such extraordinary days made me think about changes. Maybe it's time to make a few.

Yesterday Pondside (who, I'm proud to say just happens to be my Pen Pal) sent me a couple of copies of Canadian Living.  One of the first articles I turned to was What's Your Cup of Tea?  It's a very short article with a few questions that help connect you with your passions.  This article was just the motivation I needed to get started on my vision board.  

This weekend is going to be a busy one but my goal is to carve out a few hours to focus my thoughts on developing my personal treasure map.

I'd be so interested to hear from you.  Have you made your own vision board?  Have you seen changes in your life since making one?  

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