Friday, December 12, 2008

Proximidade Award

Every day I look forward to setting aside some time to get to visit my blog friends' pages just to see what they're making, thinking or doing each day. Over the past year I have "met" new friends and learned so many things thanks to blogging. In recent months, together we have gone through one historic election, a hurricane, empty nesting, crafting, decorating, citizenship - it is always exciting. It is also nice to know that others read my blog and share their comments. Being a part of this community has meant a lot and today I was honored to have been given this award by Enzie at World Market Portraits.

The Proximidade Award focuses on the development of friendship and camaraderie through the blogging community. "Bloggers who receive this award are exceedingly charming, say its authors. They aren't interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement but to propagate friendships."

The nice thing about this award is that is to be shared with eight of my favorite blog friends with the understanding that they pass it on to eight deserving blog friends. Thank you for being a part of my blogging community.

1. Cindyava
2. Home and Not
3. Little Red House
4. Between Naps on the Porch
5. From the House of Edward
6. Belle Blanc
7. Wonders Never Cease
8. Mille Fiori Favoriti

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