Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How Fast Can We Go?

Most of us are accustomed to juggling but last week and this week both home and work seem to be moving at such a rapid speed that I can't keep up! Have you ever noticed those signs on the interstate that post a minimum speed? Well I fear that I am going to be ticketed shortly! Sometimes life just comes at us at all angles and so for the time being I remain a turtle. Slow and steady, I am determined to make it to the finish line.

At least for a moment while I stop and type up this message I am taking a break from all the many demands that life is sending my way. Meanwhile my niece (10 years) called earlier this evening as she was working on a Christmas card. What a happy thought. It gave me a mental break just to stop and talk about silent nights and Christmas tree lights. If your September is anything like mine I hope you will stop do something pleasurable and take a deep breath in between tasks. I keep reminding myself to do the same.

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