Monday, May 19, 2008

Chicken Salad, Lemonade & Girlfriends

Why don't we have more ladies luncheons? This past Saturday we had a going away lunch for a friend who is moving to Houston. We met in a lovely French bistro in Roswell and had the nicest lunch celebration. On my drive home I wondered why we don't have more of these type gatherings. During the week I have plenty of opportunities to go to lunch but conversation is normally centered around work or it is a working lunch while everyone watches the clock. The most pleasurable thing about Saturday's lunch is that no one appeared to be in a hurry and that is how it should be.

Now I am determined to plan a girlfriend event for this summer. Please feel free to share any party ideas you might have. I have friends who have had parties with a purpose (a fundraiser for a cause), a manifestation party, personal improvement party, spa party and a good old fashioned tea party. Whatever kind of event idea emerges, I hope there is a place for Skip & Go Nakeds on the menu! (See Susan Branch's Summer Cookbook)

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