You know spring is here when you can hear the familiar buzzing of the bees. This weekend was beautiful and the temperature outside was perfect so I took advantage of the mild weather and decided to keep my car windows down while running errands. After a quick trip to the fabric store, I got in my car only to discover there was a bee in the car with me. I quickly pulled over and opened all the car doors and I was able to safely get the bee out of the car. When I got home, I left the car windows down and went in the house for a short while knowing we would be headed to a party within the hour.
My husband and I were driving down I-75 when there it was again in the car - the familiar b-u-z-z-z-z-ing sound. Yes, again we had another bee in the car. This time we had to pull over into the emergency lane so we didn't feel safe in getting out of the car up against those large concrete walls. Instead we rolled down the windows trying to get the bee out. Sadly we finally had to take violent action as we couldn't get him out of the car.
Moral to the story - even when the weather is nice, seems it is best to keep the car windows up.
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