For the past 10 years I have had a copy of The Artist's Way in my reading stack but I have never gotten through the book. This summer I have decided that I am going to finally read the book and work on excavating some of the creativity that has been suppressed over the past 20 or so years. While I have never considered myself a writer I am forced to write with my job and over time my writing skills have improved. Unfortunately, many of the things I used to enjoy such as sewing, sketching or painting with water colors, etc., seems to have escaped me. That makes me sad sometimes. I used to imagine that I could be a potter and I would sit at the potter's wheel, pumping the pedal turning a clump of mud into a work of art.
One of my college roommates is a wonderful writer so I had the brilliant idea for the both of us to go through the book together. While we live in the same metropolitan area, we see each other only once or twice a year. We have both decided that going through the book together will be a wonderful exercise for us and will also be the excuse we need to get together once a month.
I have four other books on my summer reading list and I am counting on getting all of them read but the book I am most looking forward to is the one that will be shared with my girlfriend. Have you made your summer reading list? The books I have on my list include: The Sisters, Water For Elephants, Suite Francaise and Burning Bright. If you have made your summer reading list, please share the titles. Most of the best books come recommended by friends.
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