Map is courtesy of About.com
I'm starting to get excited about an upcoming trip. We are going to Germany for spring break and to celebrate my 30th wedding anniversary! The idea came up about 4 weeks ago and April seemed so far away but now March is here.
My oldest son and daughter-in-law live in Germany and we are taking our grandgirls with us for a spring break visit. We have travel plans galore though I am a little worried about traveling over Easter. Many of the places may be closed because Good Friday and Easter Monday are official holidays in Germany. We have secured hotel stays (except for one night) but hopefully we can get this resolved this week. If things go as planned we will be visiting France (Strasbourg) and traveling down the Romantic Road. Tourism is easy when the country designates travel routes such as The Romantic Road and The Fairy Tale Road.
We had planned to take the girls to Charleston for Spring Break until this opportunity came along. I must say that I am going to miss the warm beach break but I can't wait to explore Bavaria!
I have a work trip to D.C. before our vacation and there is a very special exhibit I hope to squeeze while in D.C. Can't wait to tell you about that. Meanwhile I'll keep planning and dreaming about fairytale castles, half-timbered houses and the Alps.
The FETE DU CITRON is happening in Menton France. I hope to one day visit during the festival but in the meantime I participate online visiting here.